by HermesDance
Young professional performers who dance with heart, humor and depth. They do this in a way that reminds us that we are human beings sharing dance and music together - albeit spatially distanced - for half an hour. Outside with a lot of distance in front of senior citizens' homes, balconies and in public places. We want to give young dancers a job and build bridges between young and old.
Choreography: Karin Hermes
Co-director, organisation: Agata Lawniczak
Music records: Christina Pluhar, Mario Batkovic, Tradionell.
Dancers and choreographic work: Joana Hermes, Yura Imoberdorf, Melissa Kiefer, Niki Anjes Stalder, Naomi Roth (intern)
Intern production manager and fundraising: Julia Wechsler Administration: Tania Mosimann
Internet and Social Media: Sabra Vidali, Julia Wechsler
Picture: Sophie Wagner
Film documentation: pk productions, Bern